Friday, December 4, 2015

Worry Eater

Worry Eaters
I deal with alarmingly high levels of anxiety. I have experienced this since I was a little kid. I don't think a Worry Eater would cure my anxiety, but it really might help! It is a little stuffed monster with a mouth that can be zipped open and shut. You can write your worries down on a piece of paper, "feed" it to the monster, and then zip it shut. This is a great way to symbolically set aside your worries for a while. The visual and kinesthetic experience can help children learn to manage their anxiety. There are eight of these monsters to choose from: besides Schnulli, there is Polly, Saggo, Enno, Flamm, Bill, Betti, and Flint.

I did find this kind of humorous disclaimer on the Haywire website: DISCLAIMER: The toy does not take away the worry, literally. The phrases “we eat your worries” and “worry eaters” are not used in the literal sense to indicate that the worry will be taken away. The phrases are used in the non-literal sense to be rhetorical or whimsical. The toy will not eat the child’s worry. The worry will not be gone forever. The toy is not a replacement for sound and compassionate psychological support by a professional or a trusted adult. 

Keep that in mind, folks.  

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