Thursday, December 3, 2015

Dinosaurs Extinct? Board Game

Dinosaurs Extinct?
Ages: 3 and up
Number of Players: 2 to 4
This is a typical board game in that you use pawns, roll a die, and go a certain amount of spaces on a board. Some of the spaces contain an event that could have happened in a dinosaur's lifetime, such as a volcano, a meteorite, or an attack by another dinosaur. The event spaces have a number on them, and when you land on that number you have to roll the die again. If you roll a number higher than the one on the space, you have to flip up a section of a picture of your dinosaur, revealing one of his bones. If this happens to you three times, you get sent back to the beginning of the game. You might also have to have a battle with another dinosaur (by rolling a die and seeing who gets the higher number) if you both land on the same space. To win, you have to be the first to make it all the way to the end of the game!
This game seems to be most popular with the under-6 crowd. However, older dinosaurs might enjoy it too!

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